We’re starting a SLUT RIOT!

Welcome to The Sin City Siren SLUT RIOT — aka Sluts Week! Because, why should sharks get all the fun?

For those of you who follow me on Facebook and twitter, you’ve been seeing the hints we were dropping all last week. Like this:

Slut Riot, August 2013

What have you been called? Slut Riot, August 2013

So, what’s this all about anyway?

It started with a conversation between De’Liza and me. As part of my not-at-all-secret plan to introduce De’Liza to classic and modern feminist works, I assigned her to review something from my feminist bookcase. She chose Fast Girls: Teenage Tribes and the Myth of the Slut by Emily White. Set squarely in a high school setting, it’s not surprising that my 17-year-old intern gravitated to this decade-old examination into the construct and implication of slut-shaming.

But as we discussed the book, we both felt an energy about the topic that seemed too large for just a simple review of a book. (PS: We’re giving away copies, see details below!) This seemed like an opportunity to engage in the on-going discussion about slut-shaming — or rather the stigma and shaming around human sexuality and gender constructs — that is endemic to the not just the patriarchy narrative but that of racism, homophobia, transphobia, and more. If the major criticism of the Slut Walk movement was that once again it was an insular, white woman’s take on misogyny resulting in a collective alienation of people of color and LGBT individuals, then perhaps this is our chance to dive that much deeper.

Over the next week, we have series of posts lined up to explore different aspects of what we’ll call slut-shaming, for lack of a more nuanced and intersectional phrase. But know that the women of color, LGBT people, sex workers, and yes, even men, lined up to talk about this issue are not going to just stick to the same, familiar territory. While I am a suburban, married, white mother, I hope what you find this week is that my narrative has taken a backseat — because that identity has been well-covered. I want to engage this topic on multiple fronts and in the most comprehensive way possible in six short days. Will every possible angle be covered? Probably not. Are each of the writers lined up going to be the sole spokespeople for their cultural identity? Not even close. That’s because this is only the beginning. This is where the dialogue starts. And it will be up to each of us to keep it going long past Sluts Week.

We’re going to have some fun with this along the way, too. De’Liza and I shot a music video that will debut later this week. It pokes fun at many of the tropes of slut-shaming while having a message to empower women, and especially girls. And we’re hosting a tweet-chat on Friday, Aug. 9 at noon (Pacific) with our national partners Feminism 2.0. Please join us for what I hope will be a fiery discussion!

It’s time for a SLUT RIOT!

And you’re invited! We have a Slut Riot Contest with lots of fabulous slutty prizes — including Isaac Mizrahi condoms, a Cunt coloring book, and other assorted feministy goodies, plus a copy of Fast Girls (sadly, it is out-of-print, so I could only find used copies) for the SCS Favorite!

Here’s the details: Snap a pic or make a video of your best take on dismantling slut-shaming and submit it to us! There are three categories: Best Photo, Best Video, and SCS Favorite (photo or video). Use props. Write messages. Be creative! Then send your contest entry to me at thesincitysiren[at]yahoo[dot]com or submit to me via twitter or Facebook. Entries must include a first name (last name optional) and/or team name and a valid email to contact winner (SCS never rents or sells contact information). Contest deadline is 5 pm (Pacific) Friday, Aug. 9!

3 thoughts on “We’re starting a SLUT RIOT!

  1. Pingback: It’s Not Men vs. Women, it’s Beautiful vs. Ugly | Hipster Racist

  2. Pingback: Emily White’s ‘Fast Girls’ opens the flood gates on slut-shaming | The Sin City Siren

  3. Pingback: Slut Riot: On the intersection of shaming, rape culture, and patriarchy | The Sin City Siren

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