Dishonorable discharge: Marines ask if UFC deserves backing

Regular Siren readers may remember the campaign to get the UFC to enact a code of conduct to address numerous times that fighters and staff have used hate speech and instances of sexual violence (including tweeting rape jokes). And while UFC officials are loath to listen — with apologists claiming that, essentially, boys will be…

The sweet sound of ‘Guilty’

**TRIGGER WARNING** While I did write about it early on, like many survivors of sexual violence, I have been keeping a distance from the proceedings surrounding the trial of Jerry Sandusky — the former Penn State defensive coordinator who was accused of sexually abusing multiple children over a span of years. The case turns my…

Year in Review: A look back at stories of sexual violence in 2011

**TRIGGER WARNING** 2011 was a year full of intense stories about sexual violence across a wide spectrum. My hope is that some of the discussion and dialogue here on The Siren has been beneficial in shining a light on an ugly problem and, perhaps, offering hope, clarity, or insight for those struggling with this issue…